We know it can seem overwhelming to suddenly be responsible for lots of new lives. We’re here to make sure you’re armed with the knowledge and moral support for successful plant parenthood!


General Guidelines

1. Water every three days during hot, dry months (generally May through mid-October).

2. Water once a week as the weather really cools off in Dec (assuming it DOES cool off).

3. Water every 7-10 days in January, February, and March. 

4. Water once a week from the end of March through April of the following calendar year.6. Water twice a week May through October of the following calendar year.

Once the plants have been in the ground for a full year from planting you can taper off the regular watering and just water when there are extended dry periods (more than 10-12 days without significant rainfall).

Watering techniques

a. Use a nozzle set to the "gentle shower" setting. This disperses the water gently and evenly across the soil.  It also reduces splash-up and soil displacement. 

b. Water close to the surface of the soil. No need to ever water the leaves of the plants. 

c. Focus the watering on the area of the rootball (from the trunk to the dripline) while the plants are still getting  established. Once they become more mature you can shift the area of focus to further out from the trunk  towards the dripline. 

d. The symptoms of under-watering and over-watering look very similar. If in doubt, poke your finger into the  soil of the rootball to see how moist it is 2"-3" below the surface. If your finger comes out of the dirt dry and  dusty, it's time to water. If your finger comes out with lots of moist, clumpy dirt on it, the plant doesn't  need water right then. 

If you are having trouble getting your watering habits set, please reach out. Our crew is always happy to help! We put a lot of care into the plants you purchase from us, and want to see them thrive in your garden.